The wedding party plays an important role in your big event. Here, a guide to your perfect attendants

Feb 6, RealSimple

Maid of Honor
Whom to Choose: Sisters trump friends, but otherwise go for your oldest and most loyal friend — the one who knows when to tell you what you want to hear and when to be brutally honest.

Job Description: As chief ringleader, the MOH plans the shower and the bachelorette party and is also responsible for keeping the bridesmaid machine running smoothly, by staying on top of fittings and other tasks the bride has delegated. May be asked to make a toast at the rehearsal dinner. Gets bonus points for bringing safety pins to the bridal dressing area.

Caveat: Since organizing and motivating are key duties of the MOH, choose your lovable but scatterbrained best friend only if you’re prepared to do a lot of the heavy lifting yourself.

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photo by Adrienne Page